Thursday, October 16, 2008

let everyone vote

so this whole country is bass akwards.... why do we need a bailout to bailout the people who have millions.... i dont have millions.... i would like a little bit... damm why am i bailing your ass out when you already have money???? man this economy sucks... well really let me ask you do the american people have any say???? if we did there wouldnt be congress... y dont you just let everyone vote on all the issues ..... if you want a bill send some shit to my house yes or no... let me vote.... why do we let the people witj money vote???? all they care about is their own money .... wheres the general public at???? not in our fuckin government

Monday, October 13, 2008


So while sitting in my living room watching tv something hit me... no it wasnt this barrack obama commecrcial in which he talks about his grandfather and grandmother... because all that is is a cheap shot to grab the attention of the general white public... its not nessicary... we know your black , we know you have a white mother.... dont try to make people like you because you have white in you... make people vote because you have the best ideas for our country and you are the best candidate for the job... thats if he is... really i dont know.... but thats not what hit me... i dont update this blog on a regular basis and i dont ususally write a lot about any subject but i am curious.... how come no one read this??? what is it that i have to do to get more followers.. what is it that the general public wants to know... what is it you want to read?? what will make you guys respond to my blog??? just let me know

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So i watched the so calle "debate" last night. What a load of crap. I thought i was going to vote for McCain but after seeing the debate i think both of them are idiots now. I mean they couldn't even look each other in the face. They spent more time ducking and dodging and throwing personal shots in at each other instead of answering the damn questions. I think somebody really needs to impress me now.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hey, fuck you!!

So i think i like this blog thing. I just now realized that i can say anything, do anything, and not give a fuck!!! Thats right i said fuck!!So lets give a little background of MR. RYCE. I was born in Poland. Moved around a lot did this did that and ended up in the Delaware Army National Guard. I love the haters.... Or your national guard you dont do shit.....fuck you... I work hard to keep OUR country together. Not some bullshit country millions of miles away who dont deserve to be graced by the presence of the greatest army in the world. so theres my little rant about that. I want to know. How do you guys feel about this whole war on iraq thing?????


So this is a blog huh? I wonder if anyone will actually read what I have to say. I would love to get some feedback on this whole blog thing. I mean this is something personal for me. No real names, but real events. No sell out, just the way I feel. I would like to update like once a week. I would like to include in my first blog that yesterday was September 11 and we should all take time to remember everyone involved. If you dont think it involves your everyday life, theres a whole shit load of soldiers sittin in Iraq that proves it.