Thursday, October 16, 2008

let everyone vote

so this whole country is bass akwards.... why do we need a bailout to bailout the people who have millions.... i dont have millions.... i would like a little bit... damm why am i bailing your ass out when you already have money???? man this economy sucks... well really let me ask you do the american people have any say???? if we did there wouldnt be congress... y dont you just let everyone vote on all the issues ..... if you want a bill send some shit to my house yes or no... let me vote.... why do we let the people witj money vote???? all they care about is their own money .... wheres the general public at???? not in our fuckin government

1 comment:

Suburbia said...

Hi again! Not sure if you are just joking about not knowing about networking but anyway all you have to do is what you have done to me! You need to visit others and they will come and see you. There are so many blogs out there no one will find you unless you go and find them first. You just find some blogs you like to read and look at their side bar which usually has other blogs on which they read. Visit them too. Eventually someone will put you on their sidebar and people will come to you that way too. It's not instant but I've been here around 6 months and I get between 10 and 20 comments if I'm lucky per post. Of course some people visit and don't leave a message so you may be getting visitors but don't know it!